just so happens to / that, as it happens, by coincidence, in fact, in truth, as a matter of fact, frankly speaking 意思和用法

coincidentally enough

just so happens 碰巧,幸運地( kit 指的是「全套服裝」
frankly speaking 坦白說
in fact, in truth, as a matter of fact 替換使用,口氣上 as a matter of fact 較軟,narcissism 自戀
  • as it happens 碰巧-> [bb w=”as it happens”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=633&v=2K6P014XXmQ&feature=emb_logo[/bb]
  • it just so happens that 碰巧 -> [bb w=”it just so happens that”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=771&v=IHJfiFYERds&feature=emb_logo[/bb]
  • by coincidence 碰巧 -> [bb w=”by coincidence”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2073&v=vOhZw_Fq2Zc&feature=emb_logo[/bb]