本文簡介「because, since/as, owing to, due to, thanks to, by virtue of, therefore, thus, summary, conclusion, so, so that, so as to, if so, as such, this/that way, in that case, on that note, at this rate, by/in doing so, Now then, ergo, in essence, basically, takeaway, in brief/in short, simply put, in a nutshell, all in all, all things considered, to sum up, in conclusion, in the end, at the end of the day, so again, then again」。當我們在論述概念時,需要利用一堆因果的串連字,最後還要附個總結。這些字有時是放在小段落裡,有時在整篇文章的結尾,有時只是前一兩句話洐生出來的結果,其各自都有使用情境上的細微差異。此外,英語講究盡量別重覆使用同一個英語,應該使用一些替換用字。本文蒐集相關教學影片,加上筆者摘要以及新聞例句供讀者參考。
當「因為」使用時,As/Since 的理由很明顯,是一種補充語氣的用法。例如 We should head back since/as it’s starting to rain. 至於 for 則是用於文學體,會搭配一些文藝的用語。例如 Abigail lowered her head and wept, for she knew her Tom was dead. 正常狀況,就使用 because / because of / owing to / due to 例如 The concert has been cancelled owing to lack of interest. 如果要強調順序,可使用 as a result of / as a consequence of / in the wake of。
in this/that regard

in the wake of = 起因於(字面上是說因為…的起床)

thanks to = by virtue of 注意到 virtue = an advantage or good thing = 優點;好處
therefore 用於有邏輯的結論。thus / consequently 用於結果。 so, then, as a result 用於簡單地連接前後句的所以、然後。thus 放句中時不該使用逗號,以發揮其短小精鍊的語氣。例如 The company thus decided to do it. VS The company, therefore, decided to do it. (此處逗號也可不加)。 thus 有時可以當作「這樣子」。例如 The house is thus constructed. (thus = in this way)。then, so 有時可當作「那麼」。例如 A: It is too difficult. B: So/Then practice more.(常見於命令句)
In conclusion / To conclude 後面接整篇文章的論點,應避免使用第一人稱而使用客觀的視角來強化結論語氣。例如 I believe … will make it a better world. 放在開頭。而結尾要變成 Therefore, the world will become better and better this way. 讓整篇文章的語氣轉變從開頭主觀相信或認為,透過文章的 body 論證,最後變成客觀事實總結。In summary / To summarize / To sum up 後面則要先接文章本體的幾項小論點,然後再用 Thus 帶出結論。

as such 這樣一來( 注意,此用法其實省略了一大串!原句是 as such a person whose hobby was woodworking,意思是「在前述……的身份或狀況下」,因為 as 本身有「以…的身份」以及「當…」的意思,而 such 就是指前述的東西。

as such 如同前述地 (in the true or exact meaning of the word or phrase,本句意思是政府為了降低 covid-19 的致死率,而把死亡原因寫成其他併發症,例如心臟病之類的。)
News Examples

therefore 因此

thus 因此

now then「醬子的話,那麼」

so 所以(注意 so 可以當連接詞,前面加個逗號

so that 以便於

so as to do … 以便於

ergo = 因此(此字寫作時好用!然而因字比較特別請不要亂用。注意其常見用法是「插入句」,而本句插入的東西是對應到逗號前的名詞。

ergo = 因此(此字寫作時好用!然而因字比較特別請不要亂用。注意其常見用法是「插入句」,而本句插入的東西是對應到逗號前的形容詞。

if so 如果是醬

this way 這樣子的話

in that case 這個狀況下(有時前面會用 suppose 來建構一個狀況,如本例句

on that note 說到這裡( 注意到此用法轉折的強度是「section to section」,比較像把 on the other hand 用於章節的轉換。 note 在此是「結束音符」的概念。

at this rate 這樣下去

by doing so 這麼做

in doing so 這麼做( in 強調過程 progressively 逐步地

Basically = In essence (takeaway = 要點,melodrama = 一種肥皂劇,modus operandi = 特殊工作方法

in essence = basically

in brief 概要來說(就是講 summary

in short 簡短地說

in a nutshell 一句話來說

simply put 簡單來說

all in all 總之 (formal

So again 所以又回到主題(用於小段落的總結

Then again 所以再一次

to sum up 總結來說

to sum up sth 總結

taken together / altogether 綜上所述

at the end of the day 最後,總的來說(slang

in the end 最後,結果,總的來說(正式

in conclusion 總結來說(非常正式,用於大作文的最後