特別注意到 worth 一家人,全部都是形容詞!包括了 worth, worthy, worthwhile, noteworthy, worthless。其中 worthy 的意思與 deserve 相同。本文蒐集其完整的用法供讀者參考。
Worth = 有…的價值
worth 本身是個中性詞,用來描述某人或物的價值。用法方面總是要加個 be 動詞在前面。
- Our house is worth £200,000. = 有「錢」的價值。
- I think this matter is worth our attention. = 有「OO」的價值
- Four days’ car hire costs £150, which is well worth it for the freedom it gives you. = 有「它自身」的價值。也就是物有所值,甚至「超值」的意思。
Worthy = 值得
worthy 本身是個正面詞,用來描述某人或物因為「本身美好的品質」,所以值得「欽佩/尊敬/支持/考慮/提到/注意」。用法方面與 worth 不同的地方在於,可以按「形容詞」文法來使用這個字。
- I consider him a worthy opponent. 形容詞接名詞用法。
- I’m sure his motives were worthy. BE 接形容詞用法。
- The suggestion is worthy of consideration / mention / note. 在描述「值得考慮/提及/注意」這三個意思時,必需用 of 將它們帶出來。
- Science has made us gods even before we are worthy of being men. worthy of 後面還可以接「動名詞」來帶出一個動作。本句描述「在我們內在品質夠好值得成為男人之前」。
- I put all unworthy thoughts out of my mind. 反意詞 unworthy
worthiness 似乎可以翻成「價值」,然而在了解 worthy 的各種意義之後,我們才能真正理解其與 value 的差異在於 worthiness 真正描述的是某人或物的「內在美好品質」值得某個東西。
worth 複合家族
worth 複合字的用法按「形容詞」文法走,換句話說,就是可以使用以下句型:be + adj / a worthwhile sth。包括有 worthwhile, worthless, noteworthy, trustworthy, creditworthy。其中以 worthwhile 最為常見,可以把這個字想成 be worth while,而因為 while 有時間的概念,所以這個字可以理解成「有投入時間精力價值的」。
- The trip was worthwhile.
- She considers teaching a worthwhile career.
- He said the jewels were worthless fakes.
- The company’s shares are now virtually worthless.
- a noteworthy example/event.
- It is noteworthy that one third of students do not pay any tuition fees.
- trustworthy friends
- The bank refused to give him a loan, saying that he wasn’t creditworthy.
除了 BE 動詞之外,還可以使用 seem / look + worth 複合字的句型
worth & worthy 的後置型容詞用法
這兩個字雖然是型容詞,卻可以放在名詞後面去做修飾。這個非常特別的用法被稱為 → 後置形容詞 postnominal adjective ←
- This is a movie worth seeing for its effects alone. = 有欣賞的價值。
- This is a movie worthy of note. = (因內在美好品質所以)值得筆記。這邊的 note 是名詞「筆記」的意思,代指放到筆記裡去。理論上 worthy of noting 也合理,然而習慣上 worthy 就是接 note。
worth noting = 有注意的價值。特別注意到 worth 不可接名詞 note(筆記),而該接動名詞 noting (注意)。
it is worth noting that = 值得注意到…
Deserve & Entitled
Deserve 可以說是 worthy 的動詞。相較於 worthy 強調內在美好的品質 deserve 則著重於描述「因為其行為」所以值得。Entitle 這個字強調的「使擁有…的權力」,此外它還有個很流行的用法,意思是「自認為自己很強,有很大的權力」。
- After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday.
- I hope they get the punishment they deserve. 注意到 deserve 也能用於負面的情況。此時中文可以翻譯成「應得」。
- Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment. 接 to 來帶出權力。
- The employer is entitled to ask for references. 這個字的被動用法相當常見。
entitled kids = 自以為是&為所欲為的屁孩
News Example
is worth price 有…的價值(
is worth sth 有…的價值(關於 worth一家人,全部都是形容詞!
is worthy of sth配得上 (注意意思和前面的不同!這個字表示該人事物本質上夠好,所以配得上信賴、支持、鼓勵等等
noteworthy 配得上注意的
is worthwhile to 值得付出去(會有回報所以值得投入時間或金錢
a worthwhile sth 值得付出的(會有回報所以值得投入時間或金錢 ,能放在名詞前!
is worth it 物有所值( worth是有…的價值,而worth it 就是有他本身的價值,翻成中文就變「物有所值」,甚至可以翻成物超所值! cellulite 橘皮組織
make it worth it 物有所值(treadmill 跑步機
is worth your while to do 值得你付出的時間與精力
make it worth your while doing 值得你付出的時間與精力 (
deserve sth 理當擁有( 每個被指控的人都理當擁有一個律師,不管他們有沒有錢
deserve sth 理當擁有(這裡為負面的語氣,可翻成活該
deserve to do 理當擁有去…的權力
be entitled to sth 有權力擁有
be entitled to do 有權力去做(conviction 信念