
本文介紹 show, demonstrate/present, describe, depict, delineate, explain, illustrate, imagery, exposition, exhibit/display, reveal/unveil, indicate/report, suggest/imply, allude/insinuate/divulge, figure, diagram, table, chart, graph, illustration, legend。

demonstrate 演示( 帶有「推論」感

present 呈現(拿出來給人看,無推論感

describe sth to sb描述(單純用文字

depict 描繪(用文或圖 to represent or show something in a picture or story

illustrate 生動說明,闡明(用例子 to show the meaning or truth of something more clearly, especially by giving examples。 illustrate 本身有插畫的意思

delineate 勾畫出 (畫出線條 to describe or mark the edge of something

imagery 意像(文字、圖片、歌曲…背後帶出的意義 the use of words or pictures in books, films, paintings, etc. to describe ideas or situations

exposition 詳細闡述,也有展覽會的意思(a clear and full explanation of an idea or theory

sb explains sth to sb 解釋

sth explain sth 說明了(前者是後者的原因

exhibit 展現出 manifest clearly (a quality or a type of behaviour).

manifest 顯示出(這個字比較特別,他指的是某種深層原因以某種方式顯示出來,上圖提到的深層原因是「climate change」,而顯示出來的是 rise in sea level。manifest = to show something clearly, through signs or actions

display 表現出 give a clear demonstration of (a quality, emotion, or skill).

reveal 洩露(隱約看到背後的東西

unveil 揭露(整個揭開原本不讓人知的東西

indicate 指出(用於報告或數據

indicate 指出(用於報告或數據

report 報告說(可以直接加要報告的事情,to tell people about (something) : to make a report about (something)

report sth on 報告某事

be reported to/that 被報導說

suggest 暗示(語氣較弱,指出一種可能性,注意後面接 may

imply 暗示 (語氣較弱,指出一種可能性,注意後面接 should


figure 區(指本文以外的區域,常常會標號碼,萬用字
diagram 說明圖
table 統計表
chart 統計圖表
graph 數學坐標線圖 (也可稱為 line chart
legend 就是右邊的顏色說明
illustration 插畫(文章裡藝術功能的圖