History of the Great Inspiration–Columbus Voyage ⛵

在一切混沌未明的 1492,誰都不知道從歐洲一路向西航行,是會繞地球一圈直達印度,或者在海上便將食物與飲水耗盡,甚至,是不是會來到當時普片認為的世界盡頭,掉到無底深淵。哥倫布是帶著什麼樣的態度去找女皇?又是如何贏得投資者的信心?每日每日他是怎麼樣的說服自己勇往直前?更重要的是,回到歐洲後他如何能激勵一波又一波的人們,前往新世界冒險!?

筆者第一次接觸到哥倫布的事蹟,是在研究所閱讀課本時,發現 Yin (2017, p. 63) 利用了 columbus 發現新大陸的類比,來解釋什麼叫做 exploratory research,非常精彩!特截錄片斷分享:

When Christopher Columbus went to Queen Isabella to ask for support for his “exploration” of the New World, he had to have some reasons for asking for three ships (Why not one? Why not five?), and he had some rationale for going westward (Why not south? Why not south and then east?). He also had some (mistaken) criteria for recognizing the Indies when he actually encountered them. In short, his exploration began with some rationale and direction, even if his initial assumptions might later have been proved wrong (Wilford, 1992).

Ref. Yin, R. K. (2017), Case study research and applications: Design and methods (6th ed.). Sage Publications.

History Class in Khan Academy

Khan Academy 做的歷史課程介紹,詳述了 Columbus 航向未知的歷史背景、過程、結果。雖然較其他影片冗長許多,卻是最能讓人們真切理解這個偉大故事的素材。



The Travels of Marco Polo



近代因價值觀的改變,哥倫布已經不再被歌頌成為英雄的代表。Ted 做的這部影片,相當清楚地程現了正反雙方的論點,非常精彩!

My Story

筆者嚮往的,正是這樣子發現新大陸的冒險。我描繪了一個語言教育的未來,並說服了指導教授協助於大學啟動一門課程,做 exploratory research。幸運地,成果如同預期(當然也可能和 Columbus 一樣是自以為😅)。接下來的任務便是要回到人間,宣揚新世界。最後,能否成就一個偉大的故事,端看有多少人會被激勵,並投入這個新世界 ⛵