反駁段 Rebuttal Paragraph

為了讓作文看起來更可靠,通常會將批判的意見納入論說文章的最後一個 body paragraph。常見寫法會針對相反意見(counterargument)來做讓步(concession)然後反駁(rebuttal)。常見的用語如下:


  • Yet some readers may challenge the view that….
  • Some or Many (people) say/argue/believe/
  • Others / Opponents / Critics point out…
  • A common argument/opinion against this position indicates….
  • A strong counterargument/counterclaim says


Admittedly/Undeniably, it maybe true that, In fact, they’re probably right, an understandable concern,

Rebuttal: However/Nonetheless, Yet, in reality, Although/while it is true + the evidence disproves, the exception to the rule, it is not important/necessary

上面的影片簡捷地描述了 rebuttal paragraph 的使用狀況。

上面的影片分析了真實文章中 rebuttal paragraph 的寫法。

上面的影片深入解釋 rebuttal 的注意事項:壹、counter too much 對反方意見做過多展開。貳、strawman fallacy 沒有針對 counterclaim 進行討論。


上面的影片的題目提到 weaker 的概念。其中,制服的議題講者利用「其他做法」來refute counterargument and make it weaker。