Behavior Modification via Lubrication 行為潤滑

In the field of Behavior Modification or Motivation, there hasn’t been any studies discussing this “Lubrication” topic as far as I know. The phenomenon, however, is very common in our daily life. Take drink water for example. When the water is available beside the working position, people tend to drink more and thus become healthier (sbd help locate the ref for me). From the perspective of psychology, it is called a cue. But from my point of view, as a fan of Behavioral Economics, I would say it is because the cost reduction of the target behavior lubricates the decision making process inside our brain.

As a professional habit formation researcher, I can tell you both the idea of cue and of the cost reduction theories hold true, since neural scientists have evidenced our brain operates with a parallel system consisting of reflective and conscious network.

Henry Luce 媒體創新與爭議

東海大學的 Luce Memorial Chapel 是 Henry Luce 捐款建造以紀念其傳教士父親

Time Magazine–時代雜誌,是由 Henry Luce 及其在耶魯一起寫 Yale Daily News 的同學共同創辦的。此週刊的特色是,以「人」為出發點,罔顧媒體自律,於新聞內加入許多形容語句來做美化或醜化。利用媒體工具來向世界傳揚自身的價值觀–各種政治以及宗教傾向。這看起來很不可取對吧?尤其在媒體力量是如此強大的當代!然而事實是,在所有人類活動的世界裡(包括媒體),這種語言的力量,使大規模合作成為可能,解決了世界上一個又一個的難題。


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