Imagine Dragons – Shots (Live From The Smith Center / Las Vegas [Acoustic Piano])
香香蕉,最棒的語言學習體驗(ง •̀_•́)ง
每個人最大的武器就是他說出來的話,或許只是一句不經意的話,卻可以對他人造成極大的殺傷力。你曾有過,說了但馬上就後悔剛才一時衝動脫口而出的話嗎?其實我們出生那天就自配一把名為自保實為傷人的隱形槍。往往在思慮不周的情況下傷了人,之後才在一旁暗自神傷,懊惱搞砸了一切。與其事後因心理愧疚而深感抱歉,何不一開始就對說的話字字斟酌,小心謹慎呢?大家可能都懂這個道理,但在情緒上來的當下就忘了跟自己的約定,“先思考再說話”,便讓無情的子彈在所愛的人身上留下一個又一個的窟窿。→ imagine dragon 熱門影片 ←
The Path To Heaven – Tyler Robinson Foundation & Imagine Dragons (OFFICIAL Foundation Video)
香香蕉,最棒的語言學習體驗(ง •̀_•́)ง
Tyler loved music, which was the catalyst for his relationship with the band Imagine Dragons. One of his favorite lyrics during the time he was battling cancer comes from the song “It’s Time,” which says The path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell. When the band heard about this, they dedicated the song to him at a show – this was the beginning of a long friendship.
謎幻樂團為 Tyler 這位癌末粉絲寫了這首歌。