English Eduction Now, and of Tomorrow

Students in Taiwan utilize English for nothing but tests

The questionnaire asking, “For now, what do you majorly utilize English for?” reports that almost everyone only uses it for assignments or tests in school, as well as passing the test of English certification. The scale of this question, “For now, I majorly utilize English majorly for tests,” shows a desperate result–6.5 out of 7.

強調語氣 nothing short of

Cambridge: used to emphasize a situation, quality, or type of behaviour(用於強調狀況或品行)簡直就是,極其
The party was nothing short of a disaster. => 加名詞
His achievements as a political reformer have been nothing short of miraculous => 加形容詞

這邊注意到,前面是複數,而後面是單數,概念上就是把前面包成一個整體放到 a miracle 下面。

髒話的演進:fxxk => effing => freak/frig, shit => crap => poo => crud, god damn it => dang it, hell => heck

effing 其實就是 Fxxking,中文可以說是「該死的、他媽的」意思。而 freak 的意思是「怪物;怪人」,發音與 fxxk 類似,語氣較 effing 更溫和一點,可以用來借位表達。同理,有時候要強調,我們會使用 fxxking ,這時也可以用 freaking 來取代,例如:Here is freaking cold! 最後,k 的因也弱化之後,就變成了 => frigging (原意是幹蠢事,例如:Stop frigging about!)

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