Career — Diploma, Degree & Certificate

本文介紹人生中幾個重要的活動,包括 Hobby, Job, Career, Vocation,接著介紹 Career 可能會需要用到的 Diploma, Degree & Certificate。最後再分享一些 career 的深度解析。大學新人必看~

Hobby, Job, Career, Vocation

Hobby = an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working
業餘愛好,嗜好 E.G. Angela’s hobby is restoring vintage motorcycles. 安吉拉的業餘愛好是修復舊型機車。

Jobs = the regular work that a person does to earn money 工作;職業;職位 E.G. a temporary/permanent job 臨時的/固定的工作

Career = the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money 生涯,職業;事業 E.G. He’s hoping for a career in the police force/as a police officer. 他希望當一名員警。

Vocation = a type of work that you feel you are suited to doing and to which you should give all your time and energy, or the feeling that a type of work suits you in this way (值得投入所有時間和精力的)職業,工作;(認為某種職業適合自己的)使命感。E.G. I feel I’ve found/missed my true vocation. 我覺得找到/錯過了真正適合自己的職業。

diploma = a document given by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular exam or finished your studies 學位證書;大學文憑 E.G. a diploma in business studies 商學文憑 / US a high school diploma 高中畢業證書

certificate = an official document that states that the information on it is true 證書;證明 E.G. a doctor’s/medical certificate 醫生/醫療證明


associate’s degree = the qualification given to a student by a junior college after successfully finishing two years of study (美國兩年制初級大學畢業被授予的)副學士學位

bachelor’s degree = a first degree at college or university 學士學位 (120 credits)

Master’s degree = an advanced college or university degree 碩士學位(40-60 credits)

Doctorate = the highest degree from a university 博士學位(這個字內含了 degree)E.G. She has a doctorate in physics from Yale. 她獲得了耶魯大學的物理學博士學位元。

PHD = doctor of philosophy: the highest college or university degree, or someone who has this (哲學)博士;(哲學)博士學位(doctor of philosophy 的縮寫)

A professional degree = helps students prepare for careers in specific fields, such as law, pharmacy, medicine, and education. 職業學位(碩士或博士等級)

An undergraduate degree (also called first degree or simply degree) = a colloquial term for an academic degree earned by a person who has completed undergraduate courses.

A graduate degree = includes master’s degrees, professional degrees, and doctorate degrees

尋找適合自己的 Career

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Career Change

深究 career 這個字,似乎真的不是那麼好理解。看完這部影片後您將發現,中文似乎沒有對應的詞。Cambridge 的解釋則更符合講者想表達的概念:Career = the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money.

講者提出轉換工作跑道,在美國現在能給你更多的名望 (cachet),並進一步提出平均一個美國人一生換 15 份工作。或許在亞洲也會慢慢這個狀況?畢竟,而在資源匱乏的過去,人們沒辦法像現在這樣享有奢侈的選擇權 (the luxury of choice)。相對地,當代人們衣食無缺且坐擁 google 能又得大量免費的 know-how,透過不停地轉換跑道,更能在比較中了解到自己真正想要的 Career。
