英語「指出」進階用字 = Recognize, Identify, Specify, Pinpoint

除了 point out, indicate 這兩個基礎的「指出」用字之外,本文介紹四個進階的用語供讀者更精準地表達想法,抱括:Recognize, Identify, Specify, Pinpoint

Recognize or Identify

Recognize = 認出 = to know someone or something because you have seen or heard him or her or experienced it before。關鍵字根是 re + cognize = 再一次認知。其中與 cognize 最接近的字是 cognition = 認知。所以說 recognize 真正的意思是「因為之前知道,所以再一次看到時想起來」。

Identify = 識別出 = to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what that person or thing is。從英英解釋可看到,這個字不止要「認出」,還必需提出「證據」。在 → italky ← 論壇上有個解釋相當不錯,指出 identify 的意思「是你核對了某些要素」。例如我們可以利用 ID 卡來核對你的身份,而 ID 卡其實就是 identity card 意思是記錄了一些「身份資訊」的卡。換句話說,identify 暗指了必需「透過努力去核對資訊」以識別出狀況。

Recognize or Identify a Problem

I recognize two problems in this project.
The audit helped us identify two problems with our accounting system.

Recognize 暗指講者看過類似的問題,所以「認出」了問題。Identify 則是暗指必需透過努力去「識別」出問題。

Recognize or Identify a Solution

I recognize two solutions to this issue.
We need to identify two solutions to this issue.

recognize 暗指講者以前看過怎麼解決該問題,所以認得其中兩個。identify 則指暗指必需透過努力去找出解決方案。

Other Words Worth Noting

Specify = 明確指出,常接 that 或 5W1H

pinpoint = 查明;準確描述(常接 cause, source, problem, where, when