As & Than + If, While, When 的超級省略

as / than 在連接詞的用法裡常常省略了「主詞、動詞」,造成英語學習者相當大的困擾!本文蒐集各種範例供讀者練習。建議在觀看前先點擊右方的 tag 了解 as 的基本用法。

本句原型是 as bad as (how bad it is) we thought。可以看到正常只會省 how bad 然而在超級省略規則下,主詞 it 動詞 is 全可省。

as (it) is often supposed = 如同常常被假設的

as (it is) often said = 如同常常被說到的。注意到被動語氣連 is 都省略掉了也是可行的!

as (it) is often the case = 如同(it = 它採用最新科技)這個常見的狀況。特別注意到本句的 be 動詞後面接的是名詞。這種狀況 is 省掉的話語感不佳,所以不省 is。

as the president said = 如同總統說的。

less than it promised = 比它承諾的少。可發現這邊的 than 與 as 用法一模一樣。

easier than (what is) done = 說比做簡單。可發現這邊的 than 與 as 用法一模一樣。

原句應為: as anything other than (what is) perfect 此處 what 指稱 anything。

more than (what) is listed = 比被列上去的還多。可發現這邊的 than 與 as 用法一模一樣。

超級省略 As & If, While, When, Than


interpret sth as Adj = 以 … 理解。此用法僅留下形容詞 happy。原句應該是 interpret a neutral expression as (it is) happy.

as before = as they lovin’ it before。此用法留下副詞 before 修飾 it is。

as before = as it is before。此用法留下介詞 before

than before = than it is before。和 as 的用法一模一樣。

as possible = as it is possible。

as explained = as it is explained。被動式形態的形容詞也 ok。

if successful = if it is successful。 additive = 添加劑。rangeland = 牧場。trough = 槽 ← 這個字長的很像 through,發音則很像中文。

if interested = if you are interested。

if interested 後面還可以接 in

if needed = if it is needed = 如果需要。 as needed = as it is needed = 如同所需要的。

while pregnant = while one is pregnant

when available = when it is available

if appropriate = if it is appropriate = 適當的話

if severe enough = if it is severe enough 超級省略還可以加一點修飾。 cosmetic = 表面的

if given too much (sth) = if it is given too much food。 dewormer = 驅蟲劑