百變 As 用法錦集

as if/though = 仿彿。分為假設語氣與推測語氣。例如 He talks as if/though he knew it. 本句時態前移變過去式,變成假設語氣,暗指他根本不知道。It looks as if/though it’s going to snow tomorrow. 本句時態正常,屬於推測語氣,暗指好像會,但也可能不會。關於假設語氣可參考 → 假設 & 條件語氣 Subjunctive + Conditional Mood🔗

almost/nearly as = 幾乎如同 … 一樣。not nearly as = 完全不同於 …。

nearly 本身帶有特殊的意思,因此很容易被 EFL 誤解。例如 I’m almost/nearly as old as my husband. = 我幾乎如同老公一樣老。否定句時,I’m not almost as old as my husband. = 我不幾乎如同老公一樣老。本句暗指70 vs 80 的差距。然而 I’m not nearly as old as my husband. = 我完全不同於老公一樣的老,暗指 50 vs 80 的差距。

as (how) it turns out = 如同結果那樣。把 as 拿到前面也是可以的。此外,這個用法本身有一點 idiom 帶有 surprising 的語氣,中文可以翻成「結果想不到」。

as (how) it happens = 如同發生的事情那樣。這個用法相當常見,然而意思很難記,其實仔細觀查本文說明會發現它和 as it turns out 是一樣的,中文也可翻成「結果想不到」。

isn’t nearly as much evidence 本句指證據完全不同於 oat milk 一樣多的證據,暗指證據極少。

serve/act as (being) Noun = 以 … 的狀態作用。此為介詞 as 的用法。diving mecca = 潛水麥加(聖地)。

開頭 (as) Adv / Adj as = 儘管。這個例句常常被用於禮貌地拒絕(如新聞的標題所述)。

本句為「儘管」開頭並省略 as 的用法。exuberant = 精力充沛的、茂盛的。flora = 植物群。

multiplier + as Adj/Adv as + sth。 three-quarters = 四分之三。其他常見的倍數用語如 half/twice/thrice/four times…。

注意到此用法的 Adj 要放在冠詞前。


as far as … be concerned = 就 … 來說。此用法詳細可參考 → 「想像,假設,推定,假定,認定,考慮,就…來說」邏輯推導的英語用法🔗

as far as I know/understand = 就我所知/理解

as far as possible = 盡可能地

as far as sth goes 目前來說還算( 暗指程度上不算太多

as many as possible = 盡可能的多。

as much noun as possible = 盡可能的多。因 money 不可數,所以沒看到冠詞後移的狀況。

as soon as possible = 盡可能的快。 nasal spray flu vaccine 鼻噴霧式疫苗

as it stands = 就目前而言。和 now 不太一樣的地方是 as it stands 會暗指狀況不變的條件下 = if things continue the way they are now。(Ref.

also known as = otherwise known as = aka = 也被稱為。注意 aka 僅適用於口說。

as is = 按現狀、按原樣。本句是指太陽能背板的回收不需要特別處理,就按原樣重新使用即可。Ref.

as such = 如同字面真正意義上的 = in the exact sense of the word. 。這個用法的 such 通常是指前一句提到的東西。然而,如果前一句沒提到什麼東西,那就是指前面那個字,所以意思才會變成「如同字面上的」。

at least + as Adj./Adv. as = 至少一樣的。本句第二個 as 後的原型是 as dogs are damaging to our wildlife。此句若省了重複與動詞會變成 as dogs to our wildlife 意思跑掉了,所以不可省。

so/as long as = 只要。masculine 男性主義

for as long as (what) it takes = 不管它要多久 這邊就真的是指時間長度,而不是「只要」