Words to Choose 選擇正確的字

英語有許多字之間有「微差異 (subtle difference)」。直接翻譯成中文後,常常導致英語學習者錯用某些字。本文持續蒐集單字供讀者(尤其是高階英語學習者)參考。

Prosperous, Flourish and Thrive

Prosperous = 繁榮的;富裕的 = successful, usually by earning a lot of money. E.G., In a prosperous country like this, no one should go hungry.

thriving = flourishing = 興旺的,繁榮的 = growing, developing, or being successful. E.G., a thriving economy. There’s a flourishing trade in these kind of items.

prosper = (人或企業)成功;(尤指經濟上)繁榮,昌盛 = (of a person or a business) to be or become successful, especially financially. E.G., Lots of microchip manufacturing companies prospered at that time.

Thrive = Flourish = 茁壯成長;繁榮;蓬勃發展 = to grow or develop successfully. E.G., Watercolor painting began to flourish in Britain around 1750. His business thrived in the years before the war.

Traditional or Conventional?

Tradition = a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family, society, etc., for a long time

One of our town’s time-honored traditions is to have an Easter egg hunt the week before Easter.

Convention = a usual or accepted way of behaving, especially in social situations, often following an old way of thinking or a custom in one particular society

They say school is just as important for teaching children social codes and conventions as for teaching math.

筆者看了上圖論壇上的解釋後才明白 convention 除了有 tradition 的意思之外,還帶有 ordinary (普通的,平常的) 的概念。詳見 → https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/166803/conventional-vs-traditional

Man-to-Man or Mano-a-Mano

man-to-man = 坦率的 = used to describe an honest and direct conversation between two men. E.G., a man-to-man discussion

mano a mano = 短兵相接(與人競爭、爭論或打鬥)= If someone goes mano a mano with someone else, they compete, argue, or fight. E.G., A loudmouthed woman was going mano-a-mano with some officials. Ref: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/mano-a-mano


face-to-face / online class = 實體 / 線上課程

in a Virtual environment = 虛擬

in-person = 親自現場去做 = If you do something or go somewhere in person, you do it or go there yourself; by meeting with someone rather than talking on the phone, e-mailing, or writing to the person.

brick-and-mortar = (商店等)實體的 = existing as a physical building, especially a shop, rather than doing business only on the internet. E.G., a brick-and-mortar retailer。注意到這個字的用法著重在建築物 brick(磚)與 mortar(砌磚等用的砂漿,灰漿),所以接 classroom 會比接 class 合理一些。